Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Cantu Chapters 8 & 9

Screencast:Screencast link

Interactive websites: Sheppardsofware.com
                                  Archives.com Geneology

Big Questions: If the standards for history are so clear and the scope of what students should be learning is outlined, why is it that we find so much repeating material in our classes?

If the civics standards are outlined so well, why is it that so many of our students do not know how the basic principles of our government work?

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Loewen Chapter 6

Screencast - http://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/co6Trih1wk

Interactive Website -The Abolitionist Map of America PBS

Big Question -  How do teachers present race and its history without shocking students too much? How do teachers cover all the material students have missed in the last years of education, so that they have a good foundation going forward?

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Loewen Chapter 5

Big Question: If these new generations of students are not taught the true stories of slavery, how will they learn to understand modern slavery and the crisis happening in their lifetime? Or do we even want them to know about it? 

Screencast:Screencast link
Interactive Website. Mission 2:Flight to Freedom 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Technology Standards & Technology Integration

Screencast:Chapters 6 & 7

Interactive Website: befunky.com  
Interactive Website: canva.com

  Big Questions
1. How do teachers who have been teaching for 25-30 years, and have learned to teach without technology, make their classrooms a 21st century classroom?

2. How does a teacher facilitate time to teach content and also teach students to use all these technology tools in order to use it for the content?